[P1] Palm Sync

Nick Haralambopoulos macnick at argo.net.gr
Tue Jan 20 03:39:09 PST 2004

Palm 4.1 does not work with Panther. I use it too and I am waiting for 
the next version before I upgrade to Panther.

On Tuesday, January 20, 2004, at 03:52  am, david wrote:

> On 1/16/04 2:45 AM, "Jonathan Fletcher" <jfletch at aye.net> wrote:
>> My Hotsync with my Palm quit working after I installed Panther. I
>> downloaded the Palm 4.1 installer and it tells me it can't install
>> because of a "system error: access denied." Does anyone know what I am
>> supposed to do? It doesn't ask me for a password like other software
>> does.

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