kernal panics

gwallace gwallace at
Thu Jan 22 13:39:20 PST 2004

I'm starting to think I've got a black cloud over my head.  I am now 
using a temporary G4 iBook at work while mine is being sent back to 
Apple re the hinge problem.  Today I returned to my desk twice after 
running a quick errand to find the kernal panic (restart message in 4 
languages) error message on my desktop. The laptop was plugged in, had 
a mouse and a USB printer attached, and one time I was playing iTunes.

I did the "fsck" routine both times, and both times it said the hard 
drive had been repaired; just in case I ran it again each time and my 
hard drive "appeared to be ok."

Are kernal panics random occurrences, or are they related to conflicts 
between applications, etc.?

Gina Wallace
Topsham, Maine

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