[P1] weird email list

Scott Warren sw at shelton.org
Fri Jan 23 06:57:14 PST 2004

Umm... plain text sort of implies no font and uses the receiver's 
default email font...but I bet it looks new york on your side!

On Jan 23, 2004, at 8:18 AM, Don Hinkle wrote:

> I may have found the answer, thanks to someone who alerted me. I went 
> into Preferences (remember that my Machine crashed and I had to 
> replace a lotta stuff from backup copies) and found that Compose 
> Messages was set for Rich Text. I changed it to Plain. Also changed 
> the font to a standard font New York.
> Lessee now if that fixes it...
> -don
> On Friday, January 23, 2004, at 01:19  AM, Don Hinkle wrote:
>>> This is the only freekin email list that I belong to that keeps 
>>> rejecting my missives for the "wrong" format.
>>> ...
>>> ...
> The true traitors are those who support Microsoft and Wal-Mart. Both 
> are would-be empires (and Americans have traditionally fought against 
> all other forces that try to take over the world) as well as 
> destroying competition (and American capitalism thrives on 
> competition) and in Wal-Mart's case, send jobs overseas. see the story 
> http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/77/walmart.html
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