[P1] Reading word documents

Angus Wallace Angus.Wallace at flinders.edu.au
Mon Jan 26 18:55:53 PST 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 13:04, Michael Flournoy wrote:
> Word was not originally designed to be a program for exact 
> placement and formatting of text and graphics on the one hand nor the 
> free flowing nature of HTML on the other.

I agree with you absolutely. I don't use, or like Word myself, but
occasionally need to open a word doc (that some foolish person has sent
me ;-)
I'm actually quite a fan of LaTeX, which is all of the things you're
talking about. An excellent implementation of it can be found in Lyx
(which is free). See www.lyx.org if you are interested.

> BTW, My son says the kids at school think it's fun to type faster than 
> the computer can display the words. It's like a game. The game only 
> works on Word of course.

It sounds a lot like the 'share that virus' game that only works in


Angus Wallace              o__     o__     o__     o__     o__     
Flinders University        ,>/'_   ,>/'_   ,>/'_   ,>/'_   ,>/'_   
Ph. (08) 82013363         (_)\(_) (_)\(_) (_)\(_) (_)\(_) (_)\(_)  
Fax: (08) 82013618          Cars hold up Traffic - Ride a Bike!
angus.wallace at flinders.edu.au

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