[P1] Subject: Re: good,simple ISP recommendations?

Andrew Joakimsen andrew at envisionstudio.net
Mon Jul 26 08:46:40 PDT 2004

Quoting robert stiefvater <rstief at siouxvalley.net>:

> On Sunday, July 25, 2004, at 03:52  AM, iBook List wrote:
> > Subject: Re: good,simple ISP recommendations?
> This has worked great for me and they have a lot of V92 modems.
> http://www.myfreei.com/indexGo.htm
> bob

Honestly I cannot recommend a dialup ISP since I havent used dialup in a long
time, but when I did, I was never satisfied. Most recently I've used
Bellsouth's service which provides you with 20 hours or so a month with their
DSL, but nothing beyond a few minutes every few months, so I cannot really
comment on the service.

But just so you know, there are no more than 6 companies which setup dialup
numbers in most cities, and the ISP's then lease access from them, and most
ISP's get access numbers from more than 1 of these providers, so as long as you
go with one of the larger names, you shouldnt have a problem. Otherwise, sign
up for a $10/month ISP and if you dont like it, go on to the next one.

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