[P1] Networking from Across the Street

Brian briang113 at pacbell.net
Wed Jun 9 15:27:28 PDT 2004

I  am guessing but i get the impression he was not using a router but 
just a hub and a modem, in which case there would be a need for an IP 
address for each computer.

With a router attached to your modem Comcast or any ISP would not know 
the  number of computers.

Regarding getting a wifi adapter, if you can move your base station to 
an area that receives your neighbors signal you can use it as a bridge. 
That feature is built into Apples ABS


On Jun 9, 2004, at 2:56 PM, Brian Pearce wrote:

>> It may be a dumb question, but how do the isp's know
>> if you are running more than one computer on your
>> connection?  It would seem that if you hooked up the
>> airport to the cable/dsl modem that they would see
>> only the airport.
> I think if an account used excessive bandwidth (which could be as much 
> a concern as the lost revenue from additional customers), it would be 
> a tip-off that something was up.

Brian G
Personal Mail
briang113 at pacbell.net

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