[P1] Final movie version online

RP McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Tue Jun 15 14:56:20 PDT 2004

On 15/6/04 10:43 pm, "Brian Olesky" <brian4 at sbcglobal.net> wrote (in part):

> Can most people, even those on broadband, receive a 10.9 MB email? I use
> SBCGlobal.net's dsl service, and they've been all over the news today
> trumpeting an increase in the size of an email their customers can
> receive--it's now up to 10 MB.

As I understand it, the problem is usually with the servers that the email
or items go through while underway to the end recipient. They restrict sizes
to different max. amounts but it is wise to limit any file or item to 3 MB
or less in a single email...this tends to be the lowest 'upper limit' one
may find and allows the entire internet to flow at decent speeds...imagine
if everyone started sending each other 500 MB psd files on a regular basis
over the internet...it would grind to a halt...



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