[P1] OT: No attachments to Windoze box

RP McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Wed Jun 16 10:14:12 PDT 2004

On 16/6/04 1:51 pm, "Signhelpers.com" <mike at signhelpers.com> wrote (in

> I'm trying to send attached pdfs from my iBook or G4 (10.3, Eudora 6)
> to a Windoze XP box. Nothing on his end or occasionally complete
> gobbledygook of code.
> I send dozens of attachments every week without problems, so it's odd
> that he can't get them. He's using Outlook.
> Any thoughts?

1. what size are the attachments?

2. If the MS win user is using Outlook and either updated manually or even
worse automatically recently then try renaming the attachment to something
else...At work I use XP and Outlook and due to the amount of issues with
security MS decided to take a harsh stance to viruses and co... a recent
update to Office actually strips attachments with certain file types
automatically without any options or even letting the user know there was an
attachment at all originally...this 'feature' is new to Outlook, I think
that .pif, .pdf, .exe, .doc, .zip, etc...are the most common ones. Try
calling it a .jpg and see if that works. After saving it to the C drive they
can rename it to the proper .pdf ending.

They can check this out (to see if that is what is the problem) by sending
you and himself an .exe file (can be a text file in wordpad with a changed
file ending). If he receives the message with no attachment or if they get a
message at the top of the email saying something like 'to protect you we
have removed the attachment that could have been harmful' or some such 'you
are an idiot and cannot decide for yourself what is good and bad'
message...the update is installed and life becomes much more
interesting...renaming will become standard procedure thereafter.



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