[P1] Mail: Marking messages as "Read"

Mike Wallinga mwallinga at mailup.net
Mon Jun 28 14:42:10 PDT 2004

1. Open the mailbox so all of your messages show in the viewer.

2. Select all (command-A on the keyboard, or under the Edit menu)

3. Right click on one of the messages in the list, and in the contextual 
menu that pops up, choose Mark -> As Read

Hope this helps,
Mike W.

Mike Urseth wrote:
> As a new convert to Mail (and a happy one at that) I have a question.
> My iBooklist mailbox has a number of unread messages. I would like to 
> mark all messages as read to zero my counter.
> Must be an easy way. What am I missing?
> Signhelpers.com
> Mike Urseth
> P.O. Box 237
> Ridgeland WI 54763
> 715-837-1120

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