> My dual USB iBook won't sleep properly when the lid is closed. I > looks like it is dozing off, but then it pops awake, even though the > lid is closed and apparently latched. You can see the backlighting > of the screen through the Apple logo. > > It MAY be that it only does this while on the power cord, not when > just on battery, but I'm not sure of this. > I had this problem on my old 600 back in Jaguar--it wouldn't sleep when plugged in, lid closed, but it'd sleep just fine with lid open or when unplugged. I just left the lid open and let it sleep that way when plugged in, and if I needed to close it, I unplugged it. But then one day I noticed the problem had gone away all by itself. I'm guessing it got solved by one of the Jaguar updates. Are you still in Jag and have you applied all the updates available?