[iBook] How does one organize Safari RSS Support?

Angus Wallace angus.wallace at flinders.edu.au
Wed Aug 24 16:12:33 PDT 2005

I just bookmark the RSS feed itself. The bookmark keeps track of how  
many unread articles there are, and clicking on it brings up the  
appropriate RSS page...

simple.. ;-)

On 24/08/2005, at 8:40 PM, Eric Richardson wrote:

>>>>> ... The new Safari is ever-so-much faster than the recent nightly
>>>>> I was using, and I really like the RSS support.
>>> What's RSS support mean?
>> RSS is a way to summarize information updates from different  
>> websites (usually news sites, blogs, and some Wikis). The  
>> Wikipedia entry does a pretty good job of describing it: http:// 
>> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS_(protocol)
>> Tiger's version of Safari supports RSS. Apple's Safari page  
>> describes it best: http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/safari/
>> Hope that helps!
> That helps, but...
> What kind of schemes do people use to organize large amounts of RSS  
> feeds?
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