[iBook] connecting to hotel wireless network

Joel Esler eslerj at gmail.com
Sun Aug 28 08:17:39 PDT 2005

hotel networks are funny.  Make sure it's not only configured to be  
automatic, but make sure that you have no DNS servers or anything in  
there.  Open up your webbrowser, and sometimes they will have some  
kind of authentication or something to register the MAC with the hotel.

Hotels are strange.


On Aug 28, 2005, at 11:06 AM, Samantha Cornell wrote:

> Seems I'm full of computer problems this weekend.
> My father has called, from the road, and is having problems  
> connecting to wireless networks at hotels.  He is running 10.2 on a  
> G4 iBook with an airport card.  They regularly use the airport card  
> at home, so I doubt that is the problem.
> He is able to select the network in the airport menu, and it shows  
> a strong signal, but Safari is unable to resolve any URLs.  I did  
> have him change his location to "automatic" in his network  
> preferences (it had been set to Comcast), but it did not help.
> I'm stuck here, and he's frustrated.  I know that Comcast  
> configured the iBook for their network, and I'm wondering if they  
> would have set it up in a way that somehow makes this difficult.
> I would greatly appreciate any pointers.  They've had alot of  
> problems with this Ibook lately, and are threatening to go back to  
> Dell (ugh...)  They have had to send it in twice in the past month  
> for logic board replacements, and the second time Apple forgot to  
> put the batter back in, and then took two weeks to ship the  
> battery.  I would love to help them get online on the road with  
> this, I want them to have a good experience.
> Thanks!
> Samantha
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