[iBook] slow start-up problem

Larry Kollar kollar at alltel.net
Sun Mar 20 12:42:14 PST 2005

Rudi Reitberg wrote:

> When I start up my iBook it goes to the login screen and I enter my 
> login.  My desktop pic pops-up and then it takes about five to ten 
> minutes of the spinning wheel before everything comes up. any 
> suggestions on how to speed this up?  I update permissions every 
> couple of weeks, but haven't run any other disk utilities on my 
> computer.

You might need to run update_prebinding. You can do that from the 
Terminal (the command is update_prebinding -root  /  -force) or use a 
GUI tool like Onyx to run it for you.

Larry Kollar    k  o  l  l  a  r  @  a  l  l  t  e  l  .  n  e  t
"The hardest part of all this is the part that requires thinking."
-- Paul Tyson, on xml-doc 

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