[iBook] Re: New, Old iBook - how to access hard drive to change it

Julian Freeman ibooklist at lunic.com
Sat Feb 11 10:12:24 PST 2006

There are good guides on http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/ - when fitting  
a Bluetooth module in my iBook it helped loads. Very handy,


> (I'm replying to myself, again.)
> Here is a take apart website for the clamshell iBook:
> <http://caslis.com/mac/ibook/ibdrive.html>
> George
> On Friday, February 10, 2006, at 09:06  PM, George wrote:
>> Whoops! The option, shift and control keys don't work no more.  
>> Neither does the clicker.
>> Is there a simple solution?
>> Thanks
>> George
>> On Thursday, February 9, 2006, at 05:40  PM, George wrote:
>>> Yes, I had forgotten about formatting. I tore the iBook apart to  
>>> install a working HDD. Ended up with several extra screws and the  
>>> click function not working. Have to use a USB mouse. (I will try  
>>> to fix the original HDD using a 2.5 inch to 3.5 inch IDE adapter  
>>> inside my G4 Sawtooth that has all the SW goodies installed  
>>> (TechTool, > etc.).)
>>> The combo Jaguar update (10.2.8) did not fix the clicker, so it  
>>> must be my handiwork.
>>> It's a battered old iBook that I got for free on freecycle. It  
>>> has 288 MB Ram. The screen is ok for a 1999 model. I need a take  
>>> apart schematic with both positions of and types of screws. This  
>>> is the trickiest laptop yet (I've done a WS and a 3400 many times)!
>>> I also have a chance to buy a D-Link USB 802.11b wireless adapter  
>>> that works on a white iBook using OSX. Will it work on this >>  
>>> clamshell?
>>> Thanks to William Duquet and Clark Martin for their assistance!
>>> George
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