[iBook] The iBook disappearing keyboard letters...

Matt chester_the_lp_dork at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 12 18:38:02 PDT 2006

Thats a problem with the iBook G4s. You can get the
keyboard replaced again then buy on of these. 



--- Michelle <happydog at ccp.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Last year about this time, having bought my iBook G4
> in May 2005 
> (brand new, at Apple Store) I commented here about
> my disappearing 
> letters on my keyboard. Many other folks here said
> they had 
> experienced the same thing.
> I took my iBook to the Apple Store on 8/20/05 and
> they replaced the 
> keyboard, no problem. BUT they acted like this had
> never happened to 
> anyone before, like I was the "bad apple" (no pun
> intended).
> Here I am a year later and the key letters are all
> but gone again. It 
> actually started happening months ago, probably in
> December even, but 
> I am now finally fed up. Of the actual alphabet
> keys, I only have 7 
> left that are fully visible. (Good thing I type by
> touch, eh?)
> I *do* have Apple Care. Has anyone else had this
> happen TWICE (or 
> more), and did the store/etc replace the keyboard
> without any hassle 
> twice? I don't believe this is not some freak thing
> about how I type, 
> or the oil in my fingertips, or my fingernails
> (which are not long by 
> any means) etc - as I used a PowerBook G3 for over a
> year with no 
> keyboard letter problems, ever... and now my husband
> has used the G3 
> for 8 months and he's had no trouble.
> Any comments or advice would be super.
> Thanks,
> Michelle & Herd
> happydog at ccp.com
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