[iBook] Ragtime Solo

Jim Manley jpmanley at gmail.com
Tue Jun 6 11:50:48 PDT 2006

I just downloaded a program called RagTime Solo. It's a page make up  
program like Quark I suppose. It is the same as the expensive version  
called RagTime and it's legally free to any non commercial user...  
each time you open it you answer a declaration that you are not using  
this to earn money. It has all the bells and whistles of the  
commercial program which is $495 for a single computer but it's  
missing a couple of large profiles, I don't know which yet, for space  
economy... also missing the dictionary. I'm going to take a look at  
it. If you are interested in checking it out you can download, and  
read about it, from here:


James Paul Manley
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Jim Manley's Photoshop Elements Page

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