I would be distrustful too. Very strange. But this doesn't sunrise me. All of his problems are intermittent and that points to the logic board being defective. --- James Paul Manley Albuquerque, New Mexico Jim Manley's Photoshop Elements Page http://www.geocities.com/jim_p_manley/index.html On Jun 25, 2006, at 8:33 AM, Joy Freeman wrote: Thanks, Jim and Tom, for your ideas. The logic board is a good suspect. He had his replaced last year, but I know of many people who had one fail after another. The diagnostic CD checked out fine. But still no go. Then he left for a couple of hours and came back and, before I had a chance to pass on Tom's suggestion for verbose start-up, he hit the power key and it started up. It's been running okay ever since. He's reloading software now. He's a bit distrustful of it, though. James Paul Manley (listmonger at gmail.com)wrote: Hi Joy, I was going to suspect the CD drive but after reading your husband's report I am more inclined to suspect the logic board. I would have it checked. Also have him run the diagnostic CD that came with the Ibook.