[iTunes] Re: Album covers

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Tue May 20 10:25:30 PDT 2003

Isn't the album folder the logical holding tank for related images? I 
know nothing about what you "have to" do. And I don't understand the 
context in which you would "just drag the image over the album title". 
What album title where in what window of what mode from what unrelated 

I am dead set against dragging images from browsers without knowing 
their size by first downloading them and looking at their size 
specification. I've seen unnecessarily BLOATED images that are 300k 
look exactly like images that are 8k. Drop one of those 300k covers 
into your Artwork window and you will have permanently increased the 
size of a 10 track album by 3MB. No thank you. I'll take the 80k 
increase instead with an 8k image. You understand that if you delete 
artwork from an mp3 tag that the size of the file will not decrease? So 
once you have "accidentally" dropped an oversized cover JPEG or TIFF 
into your album's artwork window, the resulting increase in each 
track's file size is irrevocably increased by that image'a size.

The Amazon.com images range in the 20k-50k size.

Smaller images that look the same are found on 


On Tuesday, May 20, 2003, at 10:05  AM, David Wilson wrote:

> Does that mean you can't just drag the image over the album title, you 
> have to put it into the album folder?

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