[iTunes] not enough audio CD space

Vincent Cayenne vcayenne at mac.com
Sat Apr 3 17:43:45 PST 2004

At 3:33 PM -0800 4/2/04, Chris Beamis wrote:
>I ripped an audio CD into my iTunes library, using the .aiff format.
>Then, I tried to burn it onto a blank CD and iTunes said there
>isn't enough room and it will take more than one CD to hold the
>playlist I selected.

If you are trying to burn an audio CD then it makes absolutely no 
difference whatsoever to the "size" of the audio CD whether you rip 
to AIFF, AAC or MP3 in the first place. None.

What would matter is if the original CD that you ripped was:
1) more than 74 mins in content length
2) more than 80 mins in content length

If 1 above, then perhaps you're trying to use a blank CD that's a 650 
MB CD that'll only hold 74 mins of audio. Try a CD rated for 80 mins 
of audio.

If 2 above, then perhaps the original audio CD was "overburned" or 
other techniques were used to place more than standard length of 
content. Or some "protection" has been applied. Try searching for 
overburning software or simply burning to more than one normal audio 
'tis as said. [Reality is defined by being described]

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