[iTunes] Re: Save errors ?

Vincent Cayenne vcayenne at mac.com
Mon Mar 15 06:42:15 PST 2004

At 5:03 PM -0500 3/14/04, Don wrote:
>  >Don,
>>It can probably mean a number of things, but generally, it means your
>>hard drive is too full to save the library file containing all the
>>iTunes info.
>Just checked that one.  479 megs of HD space left...so its probably
>not that one.

Don, if that is a Jaguar system, it can indeed be too little space 
left. At bare minimum, I'd recommend 1 GB. Worse, if it's Panther, 
you're flirting with catastrophe. There, I'd suggest 2 GB as the 
smallest reserve...
'tis as said. [Reality is defined by being described]

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