[iTunes] Random albums

Kirk McElhearn kirklists at wanadoo.fr
Mon Nov 22 02:55:45 PST 2004

On 11/22/04 11:38 AM, "11V" <lists at eleventhvolume.com> wrote:

> I'm not a big fan of mixing up individual tracks, but is it possible to have
> a playlist or similar that plays albums rather than tracks randomly? The
> Party Shuffle doesn't seem to facilitate this. Thanks for any help anyone
> can give.

Well, the iPod offers the option of shuffling music by album, but not
iTunes. It's a shame, as you have discovered...

What you can do is drag albums to the party shuffle list, and they'll play
in order. It's not random, but you can set entire albums to play that way.


                  Forthcoming book: iPod & iTunes Garage
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