[iTunes] How to Manually select a portion of a library without individual clicking

Scott scott-xlists at scotist.com
Tue Sep 6 15:00:02 PDT 2005

On Sep 6, 2005, at 9:34 AM, Scott Stamper wrote:

> Hey all,
> My library far outstrips my mini-iPod's capacity, so I have to  
> manually add music to the Pod. My question is, how do I select,  
> say, the last half of my library to load onto the iPod without  
> having to individually click several hundred tunes? I know about  
> "select all", but how can I "select 1/4 or 1/3" of my library to  
> manually load into the Pod?

Hi Scott,
Others have mentioned setting up a smart playlist. If you want to do  
this without a smart playlist, and select part of a long list of  
items, you can do so with a couple of clicks.

Find the first desired item in the list. Click on it.
Find the last item desired. Hold down the shift key and click on it.  
You'll now have selected all items from the first one you selected  
through the second.
If you wish to fine tune your  selection, you can hold down the  
command key and click on an item. If the item is part of the  
selection, it will remove it. If it not selected, command-click will  
select it.

This works in most applications, not just iTunes.

Scott Buntin

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