James Hubbell wrote: > I did what you suggested - thought it would work, too - nothing > happened, unless I didn't do what you suggested. The selected songs > simply sat there, You stated that the Artist field "repopulated" when you did a Get Info on the song. I simply suggested a procedure to do it to a batch of them rather than one at a time. Perhaps all 14,000 songs is too large a batch and that's why nothing seemed to happen. You could just select ten songs (you know, click on the first and then shift click on the last) and see if Get Info repopulates the Artist field for all ten as you say it did for one. If successful, keep increasing the size of the batch. > I think because the Artist Field when you select all > is blank and if I checked it, it would write it to blank. Perhaps I misunderstood, but I thought you said that doing "Get Info" on a single song repopulated the Artist field. > Back to your > note, if I do something with preferences, do you think that will help? Umm, yeah. > Any idea what's happened to cause this? It is not uncommon for preferences to become corrupt. Its an easy (and free) thing to check. > Thanks again. I'll go get > 'Preferential Treatment' in the meantime. Thanks for the tip. Welx -- Michael Prete +++++++++++++++ Actually, it only SEEMS as though you shouldn't be deceived by appearances.