[iTunes] Setting Filetype to Podcast.

John Erdman jperdman at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 7 17:16:32 PST 2006

I'm having trouble gettingnon-iTunes Podcasts to show up in the  
Podcast category.

I have no trouble at all when I download a Podcast from iTunes  
store.  These files always show up properly in the podcast area. My  
problem is those podcast files which are downloaded as mp3's or mp4's  
but from sources other than iTunes Store.  I have to manually add  
them to my library from the File menu or open them with iTunes and  
they'll be automatically added to the library.

When these files are placed in my music library, but do not show up  
in the Podcast area. I cannot find them from the Podcast menu, I have  
to search for them in the music library.

I suspected that the problem was in the metadata... and indeed  
pulling up the info shows that the genre is usually something other  
than "podcast".
Hoping the problem to be a simple one,  I change the genre to Podcast  
the file still does not show up in the Podcast menu area.   Anybody  
have any hints for how to get a non-iTunes audiofile to show up in  
the Podcast area of iTunes and my iPod?


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