[iTunes] Querying Gracenote CDDB

Ken Stevens kestevens at mac.com
Fri Dec 21 14:19:29 PST 2007

In regards to album art - ITMS stands for iTunes music store.  If  
iTunes has the album, or
any of the tracks from the album, for sale it will download the album  
art even if you ripped
the album from one of your own CDs.   You don't have to buy anything  
just sign up for an
account.  If your album is not for sale on iTunes you might look for a  
website that sells the album.
They will generally have a picture of the album cover.  In iTunes  
select the songs that make up
the album and select "Get Info" under the File menu.  Drag the picture  
from the website to the
artwork square.

I have been thinking of your Gracenote problem.  I believe that  
Gracenote looks at the number
of tracks and the track lengths to identify your CD.  If you have a CD  
issued in another country
it may have the same name and songs,  but one of the songs may be  
slightly different as to
length.  This will stop Gracenote from identifying the CD.


On Dec 21, 2007, at 2:56 PM, Becca Price wrote:

> --- Jamie Kahn Genet <jamiekg at wizardling.geek.nz> wrote:
>> And like I said - get an iTMS account and get free album art
>> :-)
> what is iTMS, and will it help with album art for cds I already
> own? I'm not interested in paying for an album twice just to get
> the art.
> -becca
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