[iTunes] infinite loop download of Stargate TV episodes

Maretta Holden marettah at qwest.net
Tue Dec 25 22:07:23 PST 2007


Recently I purchased TV Season 1 of Stargate SG-1, logged into the 
iTunes store to download the episodes to my PowerBook G4/1.67 running 
iTunes 7.5 under Mac OS X 10.4.11, and left the downloads running 
overnight. When I returned in the morning I found all the episode 
downloads complete but multiple episodes were being re-downloaded, 
filling up my hard drive. I was unable to cancel individual redundant 
downloads or delete the extras from within iTunes and had to quit 
iTunes with downloads in progress.

I deleted the redundant files in the Finder, performed my usual 
maintenance operations with AppleJack, restarted, and launched iTunes 
which immediately began duplicate downloads once again. I then tried 
moving my iTunes plists to another location and re-launched iTunes 
which immediately resumed duplicate downloads.

I suspect that this problem is at least partly an iTunes Store 
problem. When I launch iTunes on my PB/G4, it apparently checks the 
Store for purchases to download, something may not been set to 
indicate that the Stargate SG-1 Season 1 episodes have already been 
downloaded, and downloading begins again.

The net result is I cannot leave iTunes open thus cannot listen to 
music or watch the downloaded TV episodes.

I submitted an online problem report to the iTunes Store support team 
but their response was that that they only deal with purchase issues 
and suggested that I look elsewhere for technical answers.

Note that I had previously purchased Stargate SG-1 Season 10 and 
iTunes downloaded the relevant episodes once. I also purchased 
Stargate Atlantis Season 4 (current) and download each new episode 
when made available after broadcast.

- Maretta

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