[iTunes] podcasts not syncing

Becca Price becca_price at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 20 18:05:53 PDT 2007

I just learned about a new podcast, Point of Inquiry, that
sounds fascinating. I subscribed to it, and downloaded a couple
of back episodes... and I cannot get them onto my iPod, no
matter what I do. They show up in the Podcasts section of iTunes
just fine, but when I select file>sync iPod, it says it's
synching but the new podcasts don't show up on my iPod. I drag
the episodes one at a time to my iPod, and iTunes says it's
copying them, but they don't show up on my iPod. I've just
upgraded to iTunes 7.4, and have an older iPod (a mini) but I've
never had problems synching my podcasts before. Any suggestions?



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