[iTunes] Autofill and the Shuffle; I just don't get it.

Michael Prete michaelprete at cox.net
Mon Apr 21 00:51:14 PDT 2008

On Apr 20, 2008, at 7:17 AM, i.am.list.boy at gmail.com wrote:

> A few years ago, bought my father a first generation Shuffle, and  
> whenever he visits we bang our heads against the wall trying to get  
> Autofill to work. Seemed like instead of automatically syncing, we  
> had to manually drag songs/podcasts onto the unit.
> Just bought my mother one, and having a different but similarly  
> maddening issue;
> I set up a playlist with 5 podcasts. I mount her (2nd gen, 1 GB)  
> Shuffle, and direct it to "Autofill" from the playlist.

Why? Why not simply put exactly what you want to appear on the Shuffle  
on the Playlist, and simply import that playlist without confusing  
things with Autofill?

> Only 3 of the 5 podcasts sync'ed. Combined, the 3 were less than 100  
> mb.

What error message did you get? What other tracks besides those three  
podcasts showed up on the Shuffle? Have you checked to see if the  
missing podcasts are good files? Can you play them on your computer?

> I can't find anything on Apple or Google that clarifies things for me.

What did you enter into the search field? Where were you in the Apple  
website? Have you tried to go to the Help menu in iTunes and then look  
for "iPod Help" as well as "iTunes Help"?
> Can anyone here help?

You don't mention whether you are using a Mac or a Windows computer,  
or what version of iTunes you are using, or if you've updated the  
firmware on the
Shuffle to the latest version.

Michael Prete

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