[iTunes] itunes seems to be broken

Ken Stevens kestevens at mac.com
Wed Jan 30 08:01:57 PST 2008

I kept playing with the play count problem last night.  It seems some  
MP files are
write protected.  This keeps iTunes from advancing the play count.

I took one of my podcasts that wouldn't increment the play count and  
it to AAC.  I set iTunes to AAC import within preferences and selected  
the podcast.
Now under the Advanced Menu I chose "convert selection to AAC"  It  
made a new
AAC file.  I then deleted the original podcast.  This new AAC copy of  
the podcast
did correctly increment the play count.  Hope this works for you.    
You can then
change the suffix to make it book markable if you want. I know this is  
a lot of extra
steps, but it may work for your books.


On Jan 30, 2008, at 5:52 AM, Becca Price wrote:

> --- Ken Stevens <kestevens at mac.com> wrote:
>> When you rip an audio book you might try using AAC* format
>> rather than
>> MP3.
> I normally do, but some books, like the ones I get from
> Kitabe.com, are in MP3 format, so there's no ripping or
> converting to do, just importing.
> does mp3 format not support playcounts?
> -becca
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