[iTunes] Watch a folder?

Kirk McElhearn kirkmc at mac.com
Tue May 26 03:08:28 PDT 2009

On May 16, 2009, at 2:22 PM, list boy wrote:

> I remember being able to do this with Audion 10 (!) years ago, and  
> wonder if its possible yet with iTunes:
> To have a folder be "watched" or monitored for any new files that  
> get added to it, and then automatically imported into iTunes.
> Like this, but a Mac version:
> http://lifehacker.com/5256234/iwatchsyncer-automatically-adds-new-music-to-itunes

You could use folder actions to then have an AppleScript add music  
from a folder to iTunes. You'd have to find a script to do the adding:  
check out Doug's AppleScripts:


Not sure if he has something like that, but it's worth looking.


Author of: Take Control of Users & Accounts in Leopard
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