[iTunes] Slightly off topic: Preferences, Sound choice help

Scott Buntin scott-xlists at scotist.com
Sat Jan 16 11:09:14 PST 2010

On Jan 16, 2010, at 10:53 AM, Scott Stamper wrote:

> I use iTunes to run my main music rig and secondary setups as a hardwired network, as well as wireless, depending on which room of the house I'm in.
> I have several USB sources to output. Once is for my headphone amp, another for the main DAC in my main listening room.
> This means I have to switch the output choice in my System Preferences under "Sound" whenever I want to use my headphones vs my DAC and tube amp for my main speakers, for example.
> I've been unsuccessfully trying to figure out how to put the Sound from System Preferences in my Dock, or otherwise access that area without going thru the requisite several layer drill down. I don't know how to setup up an Applescript that might be a potential solution.
> I'm open to any and all ideas about how I can switch Sound output choices more quickly and conveniently.
> Ideas?

Put the following file in your dock. You'll need to put in on the right side, as it is a document, not an application. It may or may not already open to the "output" tab - I believe it will open to whichever tab was last opened.


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