[iTunes] Importing Screwed Up Without Warning

Scott Buntin scott-xlists at scotist.com
Sun Mar 14 19:39:35 PDT 2010

On Mar 14, 2010, at 6:14 PM, Scott Stamper wrote:

> I'm running 9.0.3, and I've got it checked, not greyed out, same setting as I've used historically.
> iTunes seems to be "ignoring" my preference settings......that's why I was wondering if my Pref file got trashed, or needs to be literally trashed…

You might try unchecking it, then quit itunes, launch itunes, and check the box. Then try importing another CD. Make sure it is one that is definitely in the online database - any that has successfully worked before. Note that iTunes will *not* retrive cddb information after the fact. 

If you want to try replacing the pref file -

The pref file is in your home folder ->Library ->Preferences -> com.apple.itunes.plist

You can try removing and relaunching iTunes. Just move the file to the desktop - don't trash it. That way you can put it back if necessary.

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