[iTunes] Genre Issue

Michael Prete michaelprete at cox.net
Tue Mar 16 01:08:08 PDT 2010

On Mar 14, 2010, at 10:54 PM, Bob Baron wrote:

> Hello All
> When I try to change a genre (ie: Jazz > vocal) the new entry  
> doesn't stick.  It reverts to the old genre when restarting the  
> selection.
> I have tried changing in Library and Play List.  I don't see a  
> 'save' or 'okay' button.
> Help appreciated.

How are you changing the genre? Are you using Get Info to pull up the  
Info window? After making the change in that window, you must select  
from four buttons along the bottom of that window: Previous, Next,  
Cancel & OK. Choosing any of these except "Cancel" will save the  
changes you make.

For a more detailed explanation, consider using the "Help" menu in  
iTunes, choosing "iTunes Help" and entering "Change Genre" into the  
search area. Doing so gave me "Customizing the information about items  
in your library" which goes into greater detail than my brief  

Michael Prete

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