[iTunes] How does one report a bug?

Bernard Munter bmunter at netspace.net.au
Fri Nov 15 12:51:48 PST 2013

On 16/11/13 073135, "Terry Pogue" <tpogue at comcast.net> wrote:

> My scroll bar disappears if my cursor is over it. This is a scroll bar with an
> iTunes window NOT a Safari scroll bar.
And, the iTunes store scrollbars do this in Snow Leopard for me. It threw me
at first!

I _think_ the horizontal scroll bar under for-sale listings works OK.

Please, Apple, stop tinkering with the interfaceŠ and just make it work like
it was designed to* in 1984!

*by that I mean, _not_ to revert to 1984 functionality, but the 1984
attention to operability and human interface principles.


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