After Hours said: >Several possible causes: > >dying PRAM battery >corrupt PRAM data (zap it) >corrupt sound preference file >you muted things :) >you didn't turn on your external speakers :) >you looked at a Viao with lust in your eyes > > >I'd start at the top of my list The startup sound usually is set to the level the system sound is set at when the machine is shut down. So, I would set the system sound level to max, restart, and see if it comes back. Also, make sure that nothing is plugged into the audio-out or headphone jack. Randy B. Singer Co-Author of: The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th and 6th editions) Most of the people I know use Macs, and it feels like we¹re a privileged minority, though the odd thing is that, unlike Mercedes¹ or BMWs, they are not significantly more expensive than the competition. Why does anybody use anything else? -Douglas Adams