I want to run Apple Remote Desktop. I have a computer at work and need to access it from home. It has a DSL connection using DHCP. Therefore, my ip address changes occasionally. Is there any script, utility, app, whatever, that allows me to find out what the current ip address of that machine is? I mean something that sends me an email when the ip address changes, uploads a text file with the ip address in it to a website, or some other means, so that when I need to connect to it from home, I can go one place, find the current ip address, then put that in ARD and connect. I want to be able to do the same thing from work (connect to this laptop at home which also has DSL/DHCP). If this laptop is asleep, is there any way to connect to it via ARD? Or does it have to be open and running? Can ARD wake it up while it's closed? Also, whats the best way to keep some directories synchronized between these two machines? I have price lists, tech docs, spreadsheets, word docs, etc. that I may modify at either location, I need a way to keep them up to date on both machines. Rad...