[CUBE] OT: Remote Access

Riba riba at hi.hinet.hr
Tue Dec 10 08:50:39 PST 2002

>>The problem I have always had with VNC is that it does not send
>>command-key sequences.  At least, I have not found a way to do
>>that, which is why I prefer Timbuktu.
>Oh - no argument, Timbuktu is better for that very reason, and Apple
> Remote Desktop is better still IMHO, provided you don't need
>Windows compatibility. Can't beat the price of VNC though *grin*

Hm, there is a serious issue that will require me to use Timbuktu. I 
can't access my computer from the net, i need to dial in with a modem 
and it should answer my call. If I'm not mistaken, Timbuktu is the  
only one which is able to do it? 
Riba, riba at hi.hinet.hr on 10.12.2002

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