[CUBE] OT: Remote Access

Riba riba at hi.hinet.hr
Tue Dec 10 08:57:41 PST 2002

>>Hm, there is a serious issue that will require me to use Timbuktu.
>>I can't access my computer from the net, i need to dial in with a
>>modem and it should answer my call. If I'm not mistaken, Timbuktu
>>is the only one which is able to do it?
>I thought you said it was on ISDN... would you describe your setup
>more specifically?  Does your ISDN modem/bridge/whatever it is not
>answer the call for you?

Yes, it is on ISDN, but the connection is not up all the time. 
Actually, there is no difference between ISDN and good old modem, so 
you can basically disregard it...it acts just like the modem would.

Riba, riba at hi.hinet.hr on 10.12.2002

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