Chronic sleep/shutdown problems

Selma McCrory smccrory at
Tue Dec 10 19:43:53 PST 2002


I've been lurking on this list since I got my beloved Cube about two 
months ago.

I have a fairly stock 450 mhz cube that has 256 mb of RAM (what it came 
with) and an upgraded 60 GB HD.

Now, I love the thing very much, since it's quieter than the Gateway PC 
it shares a monitor with. But I've been having a chronic problem with 
random shutdowns. I have read the faq on this, and 
Apple's website, but I had to open my cube three times tonight, and am 
opening it up about once a week (the rest of the time I'm using the 
Gateway). Needless to say, this does not inspire confidence in Apple 
with my PC-using friends, especially since the other half of the time 
it's randomly disconnecting.

One possibility I have thought of is that I have to push the core down 
every time I open the machine up, or it falls to the desk (this is 
about when I discovered where the battery was in it). Could this be why 
my DC-to-DC board is giving me such problems? Or is there something 
else I'm doing wrong?

Thank you,
Selma mcCrory

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