[CUBE] Query?.... Case-sensitiveness

Arturo Pérez arturo at ethicist.net
Tue Dec 17 14:10:58 PST 2002

On Tuesday, December 17, 2002, at 10:13  AM, Allan Hise wrote:

> Since UNIX normally is case sensitive, this shouldn't work.
> Apparently OS X's terminal isn't.
> That's extermely dangerous...
> On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Jeffrey M. Swiger wrote:
>> $> /bin/tcsh
>> $> Man Woman
>> No manual entry for woman
>> HELP!!!...........

The reason the above works is because HFS is case-preserving but 
case-insensitive.  The abilities
or lack thereof of OSX's terminal don't have much to do with it.

The argument of whether HFS under Unix should be case-sensitive or not 
has been done to death
elsewhere (macslash etc).  Since I've seen the argument multiple times 
I'd rather it not be repeated
here.  As to whether it's "extremely dangerous" or not has to do with 
expectations, nothing more nothing less.

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