[CUBE] iSubs and GeForce

Riba riba at hi.hinet.hr
Sun Dec 29 12:28:20 PST 2002

> iSub will work on Cubes using 10.2 or later. They were recently seen 

10.1 or later, to be more precise. 10.2 just added a separate volume control 
for iSub, but iSub was operational from 10.1 onward.

> The GeForce 3 will give you 64MB ram and a fan, but my understanding 
> is that there is little performance difference between the GeForce 3 
> and the GeForce 2 w/32MB and a heatsink...

There is a big difference between GF3 and GF2mx, buy you moght not experience 
it without the processor upgrade.

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