[CUBE] Apple replacement GF2-card with SMALL heatsink!

Laurie A Duncan laurie at cubeowner.com
Tue Nov 26 15:35:46 PST 2002

On 11/26/02 6:30 PM, mentholiptus at mac.com typeth:

> On Tuesday, November 26, 2002, at 04:06 PM, Steffen Barabasch wrote:
>> So it seems like Apple is endorsing GF2 cards with small heatsinks
>> lately... which makes me wonder:
> They've probably seen people all over the net (us) buying them on ebay
> and talking about using them 24-7, and figure it's safe. Whereas before
> they were probably playing it safe.
> Who knows....maybe it's a mistake. You should call and ask.
> jesse

Nope, not a mistake. The GF2 with the monster heatsink was an early rev of
the card. Subsequent Cube cards all had the smaller heatsink - although I am
not sure why.

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