[CUBE] American Keyboard

Sean Terrill a10t2 at mac.com
Tue Apr 1 05:32:44 PST 2003

Quoth miln (miln at wanadoo.fr) at 4/1/03 8:24:

> Do you have an idea what to do?
> My question is:
> Since updating to 10.2.4 my keyboard language stays to American. I
> change it
> to French in the International Pane and when I restart the American
> Flag for
> the keyboard language comes back! It seems there is no way for my
> keyboard
> to stay to French... Has somebody the same problem? Any suggestion?

Have you tried deleting the preferences file in

Sean Terrill
a10t2 at mac.com
"How's he gonna read the magazine rolled up like that?" - a fly

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