[CUBE] Offering email addresses to spammers as a policy

Alan Thompson athomp2 at mac.com
Mon Apr 21 12:55:39 PDT 2003

Hey Rachel, who exactly is the intended recipient of this email?

I'm guessing that you're complaining about the existence of the web  
archive of this lists postings over time, and the subsequent inclusion  
of the email headers, which include email addresses.

To be blunt, I would recommend that you stop ranting to the list  
members, who are powerless to change this "feature," and direct your  
complaint to the list owner, who, apparently, does not actually  
subscribe to this list himself.

Have you tried contacting the list owner?  Or are you trying to drum up  
support in this forum, so that others will email the list owner in  
addition to yourself (assuming that you have indeed emailed the list  


On Monday, April 21, 2003, at 10:40 AM, Gnarlodious wrote:

> Thanks to this list, my mailbox has been trashed by spammers since  
> this page
> was put up a few months ago:
> http://lists.themacintoshguy.com/Lists/Cube/Message/16592.html
> You may not be aware of this, but it is rude to put someone's email  
> address
> on a web page without their permission. I am sure that if this list  
> knew you
> were doing this as a general policy there would be an outcry since  
> nobody I
> know enjoys receiving spam.
> I am sure this was an ignorant mistake, however, if you insist on  
> making
> this list's subscribers available to spammers it should be stated as a
> disclaimer when we join the list.
> If for some obscure reason you must have an email address for every
> subscriber it should be ASCII-encoded, like this:
> <a
> href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#103;&#110;&#97;&#114;&# 
> 108;&
> #111;&#100;&#105;&#111;&#117;&#115;&#64;&#99;&#121;&#98;&#101;&#114;&#1 
> 09;&#
> 101;&#115;&#97;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;">&#103;&#110;&#97;&#114;&#108;&#1 
> 11;&#
> 100;&#105;&#111;&#117;&#115;&#64;&#99;&#121;&#98;&#101;&#114;&#109;&#10 
> 1;&#1
> 15;&#97;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;</a>
> This strategy allows a browser to display the email address while  
> hiding it
> from spambots.
> But its too late for my mailbox, the spammers got it.
> ----------
> Check out the Cube email list FAQ
> http://www.themacintoshguy.com/lists/Cube.html
> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: <Cube-off at lists.themacintoshguy.com>
> To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to  
> <Cube-digest at lists.themacintoshguy.com>
> Need help from a real person? Try.   
> <Cube-request at lists.themacintoshguy.com>
> ----------
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