[CUBE] Slow, choking 9.2.2

Sergei Zak mancubus at macbox.ru
Tue Apr 29 00:35:25 PDT 2003

Erik Ness emitted a stream of electrons translating into this:

> Greetings,
> In preparation for the move to X -- precipitated in part by a clearly
> failing hard drive --, I just installed a Baracuda. Nice disk.
> But for the life of me, I can't recall how I tweaked the system (or
> Explorer) to keep Explorer from choking up the whole works when I've
> got a dozen web pages open.
> It's not IE or machine memory, and I've set connections in the IE
> control panel to maximum, and turned off animated GIF.
> Driving me nuts!
> Cheers,
> Erik
Let me tell you how I did it. I trashed it completely and never looked back.
iCab (www.icab.de) makes a nice replacement for IE. And I still have NN 4.8
left on the hard drive.
Scientists have found a virus of war with Iraq.
It transfers genetically from man to man only.
The patients' names are not disclosed yet.

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