That's the ATA Ribbon cable that's going to your hard drive. It should be replaced. There are service manuals that explain how to replace it. It's not hard, per se, but it does require disassembly of your Cube. If you've done a CPU upgrade before, it'll be a piece of cake. If you're not comfortable removing the logic board, you might want to have a service provider do it. Laurie -- AOL IM/iChat: cubeownernyc Home of The Mac Cube FAQ! On 4/30/03 12:47 PM, peer.bentzen at added a note to the human symphony, when this was said: > Opening my Cube I found this exposed wire on the side of the Airport Card, > just "below" the Video Card: > > > > Should I send in the Cube for repair, or is easy to replace the cable by > yourself? > Could this be the reason I'm having problems with the Video Card? > > - Peer