Upgrade Coma was: ( Installing Processor Upgrades.. How Hard?)

Gregory P. Perez gpp7824 at mac.com
Mon Aug 18 20:08:54 PDT 2003

I solved my coma issue by following the instructions on this link at


I followed the advice to delete the "com.apple.Powermanagement.xml "
file in the directory "Macintosh HD/private/var/db/SystemConfiguration".

I had to use the Terminal to accomplish this deletion, but after a simple
restart, I had an upgraded cube with sleep capabilities. Apparently, this
file is recreated on the following startup.
Your mileage my vary.


On 8/18/03 9:36 PM, "Cube List" <Cube at lists.themacintoshguy.com> wrote:

> Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 11:45:08 -0600
> Subject: Re: [CUBE] Installing Processor Upgrades.. How Hard?
> From: Hal <kastegir at mac.com>
> Message-Id: <B586CC54-D1A3-11D7-96CC-0003939225BA at mac.com>
> p.s. aside from the "coma issue" (my Cube won't wake from sleep now,
> but worked fine before the upgrade), my 800mHz Cube is working great.
> It definitely works as advertised. It's noticeably faster.

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