Noel Westerlind noelwest at mac.com
Fri Dec 5 09:53:12 PST 2003

Good God where are the honest eBayer sellers??
  Man I had some disappointing buys on eBay.
I bought one cube (always with PayPal) and
it came with a note in the box that said that the
cube might turn off once its on, I might have to put
some paper in the case to stop the button from blah blah blah.
All I know is that it doesn't stay on for more than 5 minutes
cold or hot. Here is the unit and its description:

The second cube goes on but the video card must
not work the monitor is black. These people actually claim
these units are working when they sell them!

What the heck? Will it cost alot to fix these?

Thank you,
Noel Westerlind

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