[CUBE] Where do I buy a CDRW from?

Joseph B. Gurman gurman at gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Dec 26 14:02:51 PST 2003

     Lacy wrote:

>Okay, so I know this has been answered a thousand times but.......I am
>in the UK and would like to know the best place to buy either a combo
>drive or a CDRW drive......I have just got a lubbly digital camera from
>Santa and them 5 megapixel images are gonna fill up my hard drive
>pretty quick unless I can archive them!!
>Any ideas?

     If you want an optical drive, see the listings at CubeOwner:

	http://www.cubeowner.com/buystuff.html#optical .

You might, though, want to consider simply getting an external 
FireWire hard drive, such as th eones at Other World Computing:

	http://eshop.macsales.com/Static_Pages/index.cfm .

No doubt there are UK vendors selling the same kit... though even 
with VAT and customs added, the rock-bottom US$ may make it 
worthwhile ordering from the US.

     In any case, the capacity/unit currency anywhere makes the hard 
drives a much better deal.

     My $0.02 worth,

						Joe Gurman
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they go by."
                                                          - Douglas 
Adams, 1952 - 2001

Joseph B. Gurman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Solar Physics
Branch, Greenbelt MD 20771 USA

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