IPOD woe

helenlowe at talk21.com helenlowe at talk21.com
Sun Dec 28 17:15:26 PST 2003

I know this is an iPod issue (but also have a cube!) and am new to the list, so it may have been answered before.

I bought a 15gb iPod in May this year and am well pleased with it. However, there has been a recurring problem with the remote lead, and now also with the headphone wires. The rubber cracks at joins, and then eventually the wires fray.

Apple have replaced the remote twice now. On my second remote, I was extra careful and indeed didn't always use it as had got used to not using it while waiting for replacement. Both replacements have been made without any need to hassle, just a phone call.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? I'm now on 3rd remote, and the warranty runs out in May. What happens after that?

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